When Dr. Wacasey graduated from medical school in 1994, he took an oath to do no harm to his patients and to him, that includes doing no financial harm. But after spending over twenty years practicing Emergency Medicine and seeing countless ways he was being used by corporations and insurers to rip patients off, he went into business for himself by opening a no-health insurance practice. At the same time, he also decided to make it his mission to change health care – by changing the way Americans think about health care. To that end Dr. Wacasey has written two books – The Guide to Buying Health Insurance, and Health Care, and Healthcareonomics – 500 Ways You’re Being Ripped Off by the Health Insurance, and Health Care Industries (both available via Amazon, iTunes, and Nook). He created the Dr. W’s Equation app, which quickly and easily allows people to compare health insurance plans, then find the one that makes the most financial sense. Dr. Wacasey also maintains a blog at healthcareonomics.com, and is quite active on his Healthcareonomics Twitter and Facebook profiles. He is available as a speaker and consultant for groups and businesses who want to learn how to save money on both health insurance, and health care.
Category Archives: Video
The Regulatory State Tyranny, Plato’s Noble Lie Lying for Justice
by John Dale Dunn MD JD
(video not yet available, text follows)
Texas Chapter AAPS annual meeting, May 19, 2018
Lecturer, Department of Emergency Medicine
Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, Fort Hood, Texas
Medical Officer, Brown County, Texas
Policy Advisor, American Council on Science and Health,
New York City, and Heartland Institute, Chicago, IL.
Dr. Dunn’s opinions are personal and not attributable to the US Army or Department of Defence the Sheriff of Brown County.
The tyrannical regulatory administrative state is built on the commitment to the idea that elite of “experts” can create a utopia. FAT CHANCE, but, nonetheless, they are convinced that the utopian ideal is well within the reach of the ruling elites—just ask them and they well reference their superior knowledge and good intentions, but most of all a belief that their wonderful ideas will be enough—if there are failures it was because of a lack of money, time, and energetic dedication to the cause of the socialist/collectivist cause. Continue reading
The Cure for Sick Healthcare – Deane Waldman, MD, MBA
Dr. Waldman’s new ebook is available at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CSK1MMK
Dr. Waldman is a retired pediatric cardiologist and system theorist analyst for American healthcare. He brings 37 years of clinical experience plus the business and administrative experience as Chief of Pediatric Cardiology at University of Chicago to the position of Director of the Center for Health Care Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He is also the Consumer Advocate member on the Board of Directors of the New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange. His background and academic training include Yale, Chicago Medical School, Mayo Clinic, Northwestern, Harvard, and Anderson Management Schools. He has authored over 150 academic medical publications and more than 300 lay articles and policy papers on both management and strategy in healthcare. “Dr. Deane,” as he is commonly known, is the author of award-winning print books including The Cancer in the American Healthcare System and the best-selling eBook series titled, Restoring Care to American Healthcare.
PBMs: Profits before Patients
Ray Page, DO, PhD, presents on schemes Pharmacy Benefit Managers use to improperly interfere in patient care and increase costs.
Can they really make you do that? Why we need right of consicence protection.
AAPS Texas Chapter President, Sheila Page, DO, speaks at the AAPS Texas Chapter meeting on May 19, 2018.
Point of Care Dispensing – Kris Held, MD
Why We Need It and What We Must Do To Make It Legal In Texas. May 19, 2018, San Antonio Texas, Texas Chapter Meeting